It's my first time.

It's almost time to film my video for the Talika Cosmetics Love Your Lashes Contest and I'm nervous! It will be my first video I've ever filmed. How do you get used to talking to yourself? Do you pretend you're talking to someone you know?

I can't film during the day because of my hellion child. It would be impossible to edit her out! She makes sure you know she's there today. We were wandering around WalMart today and I got separated from her and Patrick. All I had to do was follow the sound of her voice and I found them, no problem. What is it about being a toddler that automatically breaks their volume switch?

At night, lighting becomes an issue. Does anyone know why apartment complexes don't do overhead lighting? I guess I'll have to figure something out, my 28 days is coming up and it has to be submitted by August 31st. I can't wait until I get out of school and things start to straighten out. I'm ready for a house with an office. Somewhere to keep all of our computer stuff and actually have room.

What are your best tips for recording a good video review? How about no-no's? What is your favorite video editor? Drop a comment and let me know!

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Sonja said...

I try to shoot right in front of a window to get the best light. Good luck! :)